Ecological Architecture
ARCHITECT23 defines Ecological Architecture for homes built using natural products and the surrounding environment and climate, such as mud in an adobe home, the sun in a passive solar home making a home as SELFSUFICIENT as possible.
ARCHITECT23 capitalizes on the surrounding natural environment to build a home asSELFSUFICIENT as possible using the natural materials of the area, allowing ARCHITECT23 to build virtually anywhere.
Here are some examples of ARCHITECT23'S WORK:
Santa Fe Home: Build on Lake Chapala using the earth it was built on, with a Minimalist design. This is one of our many Adobe homes. It was designed so that the main living areas captured the view of the Lake. Awarded special mention in the Metropolitan Home magazine, Jan. 1995 for its unique design.
(Click on the image to see it bigger.)


The house was designed in Malinalco, State of Mexico.
The project is completely eco-friendly using the adobe, stone and wood existing in the area.
Here are the house architectural plans:

These condominiums were designed in Punta Mita, Nayarit, Mexico, near Puerto Vallarta.
This work was built of adobe, with wood ceilings parota (tropical wood native to the area especially for the weather). The exterior walls are covered with adobe mortar and painted green with a natural beige paint.
All internal walls painted white. Almost all furniture is built on the site. The parota wooden windows without glass, with shades of the same to let the wind freshening flows naturally with air and sea breezes.
The following hand-drawn maps of this work: